
Showing posts from April, 2020

Thursday, April 30

Good Morning! It was so amazing to see you all yesterday!  Here are the photos I took of our first meet! Letter Awareness: Letter Dd.  Practice printing the letter d anywhere, anyway!  Make sure your lower case /d/ is looking the right way! I like this idea for helping students with the confusion between the lower case /b/ and /d/.  Feel free to use it if you wish! Here are some videos about the sound the letter D makes! Math:  3D Shapes Last week we learned about the Ovoid.  Today we are going to learn about the 3D shape that rolls, has 1 face and NO vertices.  Do you know what shape I am talking about?  Can you find something that is shaped like a SPHERE in your house?  What kind of things can you do with it?  Is it a good shape to build with?  Can it roll?  Can it slide?  Fill out the sheet below.   Storytime!

Wednesday, April 29

Google Meet Day!!!! I can't WAIT to connect with you all!   Morning Friends:   Meeting starts at 10:00 am Afternoon Friends:  Meeting starts at 1:00 pm If you are looking for other things to do today ... - Play some of the math games we have learned - Go outside and see how many ladybugs you can find!  Keep a tally! - Go birdwatching.  Take a picture of all of the different birds you see.  Or at least try!  Birds are super tricky to photograph! -There are 2 days left in April (including today!). Have you finished your April Bingo?  Pick 2 things that you can do today!!!

Tuesday, April 28

Good Morning! Math: See description in above video:  Flip a coin 20 times. Record your results with tallies. Did you get more heads, more tails or the same? Letter Awareness/Sight Words:   Using the same cards you made for yesterday's activity, play a game of "Go Fish".  You can add other letters or sight words to make the game last longer.  You will need 2 of each letter or sight word.  Deal 3 or 4 cards to each player.  The remainder of the cards go in the "Fish" pile.  Players take turn asking another player if they have a letter or a sight word that they have in their own hand.  Once you get a pair, you put the take the pair out of your hand.  If the player does not have the card you are looking for, you take a card from the "Fish" pile.    Hatching Adventure: I know that the eggs will hatch in around 28 days.  Using the calendar below, starting at the first Sunday...

Monday, April 27

Here is a message from Bing after receiving our birthday video: "Thank you very much, it's so beautiful, touched me. Please extend my big THANKS to them. I miss them much." **** Please don't forget to send me a birthday picture or video for our friend Elizabeth who is turning 6 on Thursday!!!! Good Morning! Morning Message Letter Awareness Memory: Pick 5 letters that you are working on learning the name or sound of.  Cut some construction paper into squares and write each letter two times (OR have your child write the letter 2 times). Place them face down on the table or the floor and play memory with the cards. ** Keep these cards for tomorrow's game! Extension: Play memory with 5 sight words you are working on learning!   Our sight words for this week are:  that, he, was Previous sight words:  the, of, to, and, a, in, is, it, you **Keep these cards for tomorrow's game! Hatching Adventures Day 1 Math: 1.  Mat...

Friday, April 24

Good Morning! Story #1: Did you guess what I'm getting a dozen of this weekend?  They are ovoid shaped and smooth.  Here is a story to help you make an educated guess! Here is a google form for you to fill out to make your predictions about our eggs. Science Experiment: Join the Sci-Guys as they teach us how to make our own Rock Candy!  Just an FYI ... you don't need goggles or gloves. Story #2:  It's a CHAPTER BOOK!!! FRIDAY DANCE PARTY!

Thursday, April 23

Good Morning! I was so excited to get a delivery today.  I opened it up and this is what it looks like.  Can you guess what it is??? Letter Awareness:   We know what sound the letter /s/ makes on its own.  What sound does it make when it is with the /h/ as in /sh/?  Remember our quiet friends???  Can you think of at least 5 words that have the /sh/ sound in them? Math: I'm going to give you another hint about the surprise I'm getting this weekend.  There are a dozen of them and they are ovoid shaped.  See if YOU can find out what an OVOID is!  I'll give you a hint.  It is a 3D shape and it's name sounds a lot like it's 2D counterpart.  Can you guess what shape it is??? Can you find anything in your kitchen that is an ovoid shape?  2 of my favorite foods are ovoids! Draw a picture of 3 things that are ovoids and send me your guess of what you think I am getting a dozen of this weekend....

Wednesday, April 22- EARTH DAY!

Happy EARTH Day!   Letter Awareness/Word Work: Letters:  Print the letters your child is working on identifying in large boxes (as is shown above).  Call out a letter.  Your child must throw the ball and hit the corresponding letter.  Again, you can do this with letter sounds (can you hit the letter that makes a /b/ sound) or words that begin with that letter (can you hit the letter that the word "bird" begins with).  This is a great game for letter awareness and gross motor skills!   Sight Words:  Print the sight words from this week and the previous weeks in boxes.  Call out a word.  Your child must throw the ball and hit the word that you called out.   Math:   I would put this sheet into a ziploc bag again to reuse over and over.  Each player takes a turn rolling 2 dice and adding them together.  You can cross out the corresponding numbers on the sheet or put a marker ...

Tuesday, April 21

Good Morning!!! Here is the video we made for Bing:   Morning Message/Calendar: Math:  Race to 100.  Watch the video above for instructions on how to play this fun game that will encourage recognition of the dots on a dice (without having to count) and addition.  You will need a copy of the 100's chart, 1 or 2 dice,  a ziploc bag and markers for this game.  Letter Awareness: Here is part one of the video talking about the letter Ss ...  You will have to scroll down to hear the rest of the story under "Storytime".  Letter Ss:  Practing printing the letter Ss ...  with pencil and paper, in a tray with salt and your finger or a paintbrush, on the sidewalk with chalk, on a sidewalk or your fence with a paintbrush in water, on a cookie sheet with shaving cream ...  the options are endless!  What sound does a letter s make?  Watch the following videos to help thing of words that begin wit...

Monday, April 20

A video from our friend Alejo ... We have another birthday coming up next week.  Send me your birthday love (in a video or a pic) by Friday for our friend Elizabeth in the morning class.   Calendar and Morning Message: Letter Awareness:    Because the weather is supposed to be so beautiful this week, I want to give you fun learning activities that you can do outside.  If your child is still learning to recognize the upper and lower case letters, take some chalk and print the letters randomly on your driveway or sidewalk.  You can print them ALL or focus on the letters they are having difficulty recognizing.  Make sure to add some that they can recognize too! For a challenge, you can have your child print the letters he/she needs to practice.  Make them a list that they can copy out OR call out a letter at a time and help them print it!  Option 1 is to  call out the letter name and have them...

Birthday Love for Alejo

Happy Birthday Alejo!  

Fun Friday, April 17

Morning Message: Don't forget to send me your Happy Birthday pictures for Bing AND your birthday video messages for Alejo by tomorrow (Saturday).    Actually, pictures for Bing can be sent up to Tuesday.   Join me in dancing to "The Birthday Song" by Koo Koo Kangaroo. And don't forget our Friday songs! We are still getting love from around the world through our Love Button project.  Here are some of the pics I received this week.   Earth Day Challenge: Today (and everyday going forward) when you are brushing your teeth, make sure you turn off the water while you are brushing!!!   Science:   Magic Milk Experiment:  Supplies needed:  a small bowl or round cake pan, milk (enough to cover the bottom of the bowl), dish soap, q-tips, food coloring. Art:   I absolutely love this idea of "Mailing a Hug". I know it requires a long piece of paper which not all of us hav...

Thursday, April 16

There is a commercial going around on tv that has different people singing our national anthem.  It reminded me of this video I took during journal writing one day when a couple of the boys started singing "O Canada".  It still makes me smile ... Birthdays!!!!  Celebrating birthdays in Kindergarten is a BIG deal!  I would love to continue our birthday celebrations but of course, they will look a little different.  This Saturday is Alejo's birthday.  Alejo is in the morning class and I know it would mean a lot to him if all of my morning friends made a short video birthday wish for him.  I will compile all of the wishes and send them to Alejo to help make his special day even more SPECIAL!  I know we are really missing Alejo since we haven't seen him since February!!!!  Please send your video to me by Saturday morning!  Thank you! Earth Day Challenge:   It is supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL day outside today! Head o...

Wednesday, April 15

Dear Parents:  I heard you!  Thank you to everyone who has submitted their surveys.  There are many of you that felt that the work was "just right" and some who thought it was "too much".  Please don't feel that you are required to do all of the work.  I hoped you watched the parent video yesterday that explained how Kindergarten works, learning through play and through short activities.  Anyway, I've changed the format of the blog a bit by giving activities that all students should be successful at with enrichment activities at the end of the blog for students who need/want a bit more.  I've changed "Word Work" to be an enrichment activity, instead adding a letter awareness activity for all students to take part in.  I hope this helps.  Again, thank you for your feedback!!! In 2020  Earth Day  will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Each day, I am going to give you an Earth Day Challenge for you to complete with your famil...

Tuesday, April 14

Shout Out from Koo Koo Kangaroo: Koo Koo Kangaroo sent us a message!  Check it out! Daily Message: Find and circle the following words:  to, and, the, of, we, Earth.  Can you find and circle the number 22? Literacy: Message to Bing:  Bing is our Facility Operator who the kids know and love!  She has been so busy these past few weeks cleaning and disinfecting the school so that it is ready for us to return, whenever that may be.  Like the rest of the POW staff, Bing misses the students.  She is celebrating her birthday next Tuesday and we were hoping to make a special video shout out for her.  I would like each of the students to write a thank you for Bing (in BIG letters) and draw a picture to thank her AND to wish her a happy Birthday.  Please take a picture of your child holding up their message and send it to me by Thursday.  We will put all of the messages together to make a birthday shout out!...

Video check in for Parents

Grab some popcorn ... it's a long one!  Sorry for the delay in uploading!  It took WAY longer than usual! Hope all is well! Shauna

Happy Easter!!!

Hi Kindergarten Friends, For some reason this didn't get posted yesterday ...   Thanks for the reminder Rhett! Hope you enjoy it today! Love, Ms. O

Saturday Story


Flashlight Friday Story

Happy Flashlight Friday!  I hope you enjoy today's story.  Because it is a holiday and Monday is a PD Day, there will be no homework, but I will post stories for you to listen to.  In fact, I will post an Easter story every day this weekend.  I have lots of Easter stories to share! Have a wonderful week. Love, Ms. O.

Thursday, April 9

Good morning friends! Sorry about the mix-up with the story yesterday.  I would like to say that it won't happen again, but it might!  Maybe I was just testing you to see who is checking out the blog! Calendar and letter Ee printing.  Can you practice printing both capital and lower case Ee's.  Because E is a vowel, it is tricky teaching it's sounds online.  I will go over the sounds in my video however instead of drawing and printing words that start with "E" encourage your child to find words around the house that have the "E" in them. Estimation Results: Guided Drawing Easter Bunny:  You will need a piece of paper (the bigger the better) and something to draw with.

Wednesday story ....

Hi Friends! Sorry I missed this! Hope you enjoy the story! Love, Ms.O.

Wednesday, April 8

Hints for Easter Egg Estimation:  The number of eggs is less than 50 which means the number is on this 50's chart.  The number is also an EVEN number.  Remember, even numbers end with a 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.  How many eggs do YOU think is in the jar?   You will need 2 dice for Kindergarten Yahtzee.  Here is the link for the online dice roller. .  To change the number of dice rolled, click on "games" at the top and then "dice roller".  See the video below for a reminder of how to play! Sight Word Bingo (optional) Draw a bingo card with 9 squares.  Fill each square with a sight word.  I would suggest the 3 words we are reviewing this week (the, to, of) as well as words that the students are already familiar with (love, Ms. O., their name, we, I).  Don't forget the free one in the middle!  Call out a sight word and your child can cover the word ...