Tuesday, April 28

Good Morning!


See description in above video:  Flip a coin 20 times. Record your results with tallies. Did you get more heads, more tails

or the same?

Letter Awareness/Sight Words:  

Using the same cards you made for yesterday's activity, play a game of "Go Fish".  You can add other letters or sight words to make the game last longer.  You will need 2 of each letter or sight word.  Deal 3 or 4 cards to each player.  The remainder of the cards go in the "Fish" pile.  Players take turn asking another player if they have a letter or a sight word that they have in their own hand.  Once you get a pair, you put the take the pair out of your hand.  If the player does not have the card you are looking for, you take a card from the "Fish" pile.  

Hatching Adventure:

I know that the eggs will hatch in around 28 days.  Using the calendar below, starting at the first Sunday (the first day in the incubator - April 26) count the days until you get to 28.  What day in May should our eggs hatch?  You can count down to the exciting day by crossing out each day when you go to bed!  Print the numbers as you count (at least to 10) and maybe your parents can help you print the rest.

Challenge:  Print ALL of the numbers to 28.


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