Wednesday, April 15

Dear Parents:  I heard you!  Thank you to everyone who has submitted their surveys.  There are many of you that felt that the work was "just right" and some who thought it was "too much".  Please don't feel that you are required to do all of the work.  I hoped you watched the parent video yesterday that explained how Kindergarten works, learning through play and through short activities.  Anyway, I've changed the format of the blog a bit by giving activities that all students should be successful at with enrichment activities at the end of the blog for students who need/want a bit more.  I've changed "Word Work" to be an enrichment activity, instead adding a letter awareness activity for all students to take part in.  I hope this helps.  Again, thank you for your feedback!!!

In 2020 Earth Day will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Each day, I am going to give you an Earth Day Challenge for you to complete with your family.  I would love to see your pictures of how you are completing the challenge together!  Today is an easy one since we are all at home.  Can you use your favorite reuseable water bottle to drink your water today?  We know that using a reuseable water bottle saves millions of plastic water bottles AND drinking water helps us stay healthy.  

This is an excellent video about Earth Day and the importance of taking care of our environment:

Here is a song that you might like:

Letter Awareness : 

Letter Hh:  Practice printing the capital and lower case letter Hh.  Watch the videos below:


Earth Day Patterning:  Can you use beautiful things or found items (cereal, raisins, jewels, stuffed animals etc)  from around your house to make your own patterns?  Challenge your parents to "guess" your pattern.  Try to make the following repeating patterns:  AB, ABB, AAB, ABC.  We use letters to describe our patterns as well as using attributes.  For example, if we were making color patterns, this is what the patterns could look like: 
red-yellow-red-yellow (AB)
red-yellow-yellow-red-yellow-yellow (ABB)
red-yellow-blue-red-yellow-blue (ABC)

Earth Day patterns using gems and rocks. Plus FREE Earth Day vocabulary posters! Perfect for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten.


Enrichment Activities:

Word Work:  

Sight word Scavenger Hunt:  Hide the sight words from this week and previous weeks around the house.  Ask your child to find all of them at once OR give them a sight word at a time to find.  For example, ask them to find the word "a".  They only search for that word and bring it back.   Challenge them to see how long it takes for them to find all of the sight words.

Shared Writing:  

What can you do to help the Earth?  With your parents or older brother or sister, make a list of everything you can do to help the Earth.  Here is an idea of what your list might look like.  You can draw pictures and with your parents help, label your pictures.  Can you post your list in a place to remind everyone in your house to take care of the Earth?  I would love to see your ideas ...

Earth Day

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