Tuesday, April 21

Good Morning!!!

Here is the video we made for Bing:  

Morning Message/Calendar:


Race to 100.  Watch the video above for instructions on how to play this fun game that will encourage recognition of the dots on a dice (without having to count) and addition.  You will need a copy of the 100's chart, 1 or 2 dice,  a ziploc bag and markers for this game. 

Letter Awareness:

Here is part one of the video talking about the letter Ss ...  You will have to scroll down to hear the rest of the story under "Storytime". 

Letter Ss:  Practing printing the letter Ss ...  with pencil and paper, in a tray with salt and your finger or a paintbrush, on the sidewalk with chalk, on a sidewalk or your fence with a paintbrush in water, on a cookie sheet with shaving cream ...  the options are endless! 

What sound does a letter s make?  Watch the following videos to help thing of words that begin with the /s/ sound.


This is an awesome video (it's a tad long, 15 min) about the Science of Spring!  

Learner Expectations: 

Literacy:   Students being to make connections among sounds, letters, words, pictures and meaning.
Students connect oral language to print and pictures in text. 

Math:   Students look briefly at a given familiar arrangement of 1-5 objects or dots (dice) and identify the number represented without counting.

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