Tuesday, April 14

Shout Out from Koo Koo Kangaroo:

Koo Koo Kangaroo sent us a message!  Check it out!

Daily Message:

Find and circle the following words:  to, and, the, of, we, Earth.  Can you find and circle the number 22?


Message to Bing:  Bing is our Facility Operator who the kids know and love!  She has been so busy these past few weeks cleaning and disinfecting the school so that it is ready for us to return, whenever that may be.  Like the rest of the POW staff, Bing misses the students.  She is celebrating her birthday next Tuesday and we were hoping to make a special video shout out for her.  I would like each of the students to write a thank you for Bing (in BIG letters) and draw a picture to thank her AND to wish her a happy Birthday.  Please take a picture of your child holding up their message and send it to me by Thursday.  We will put all of the messages together to make a birthday shout out!  Parents, you are welcome to write a message too!  The students can simply write "Happy Birthday Bing", "I miss you", "I love you" or a thank you message "Thank you for cleaning our school" etc.  They can draw a picture to match their message or a picture of something that will make Bing smile (a picture of them and Bing, a spring day, hearts ...)


Race to fill the cup.  See video for instructions.  

The First Grade Parade: Making Math Fun!

Word Work:  

Sight words learned:  the, of, to

Sight words for this week:  and, a, in

Hit the Sight Word:  When playing games, please include the new and previously learned sight words to help students memorize these words.   This is a fun game that will get your child moving while learning.  Be creative with what you use to "hit" the sight words.  You can have your child throw something at the sight words as you call them out (a ball, small stuffie ...), hit or point to them (fly swatter, nerf gun, wooden spoon).  Be creative and make it fun.  Print the words on sticky notes, paper plates, recipe cards, scrap pieces of paper.  Keep the words to use them for other activities.   You can also use this "technique" to help students recognize letters and numbers.

Snowball Throw Alphabet Activity. A fun gross motor alphabet game.

Storytime!  Join me and one of our favorite authors as we learn about helping the Earth.  Can you guess who the author is by looking at the poster below?

Here is the new Koo Koo Kangaroo video for you to sing and dance along!

Share these 10 ways you can help the Earth with your students. sample activities to do with your students to conserve.

Here are some extras if you need things to keep you busy this week!

Have fun coloring ...

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