
Showing posts from May, 2020

Friday, May 29

Good Morning! Duckling Adventures! Watch this video of one of the ducklings (popcorn) falling asleep while standing up!  You need to watch the entire video.  At first, the eye that you can't see was closing as he was falling asleep but his other eye stayed open!   Here are some more videos about ducks! What is YOUR favorite thing about ducks??? Science: Supplies: olive oil  (or any oil) vases cardstock To demonstrate how ducks stay dry in the water I cut two strips of  cardstock or heavy paper.  Cover one strip with oil.    Then dip each strip into a vase of water. Compare the two strips.   The water drops rolled off of the oil.  Ducks have an oil gland near their tails and spread the oil over their feathers regularly through a process called preening.  The water can't get through the top layer of oil covered feathers, so the rest of their bodi...

Thursday, May 28

Google Meet Day! Morning meet at 10:00 (Overackerkinderam) Afternoon meet at 1:00 (Overackerkinderpm) Can't wait to see you there!!! It's supposed to be another beautiful day today!  Get outside and explore nature with this scavenger hunt!

Wednesday, May 27

Good Morning! Duckling Adventures: Our ducklings went for their first (and 2nd and 3rd ...) swim yesterday!  Watch this short video of their adventure! My oldest dog, Kaia DOESN'T like water but seems to like swimming with the ducks! Caterpillar Observation #2 Look how much our caterpillars have grown!  I measured the length of one yesterday and it was 2 cm long!  It has more than doubled in size since last Wednesday.  If you haven't already,   can you draw what you observe?  Try and make their size as accurate as possible!!!!  Look to yesterday's "Good Morning Video" to see what else I would like you to label!!! Watch this video about caterpillars! Storytime:   The Duckling Gets a Cookie by Mo Willems Here is another guided draw for you to learn how to draw both characters from the story! Here is a recipe for the cookies that the duckling LOVES! Ingredients 3/4 cup  p...

Tuesday, May 26

Good Morning! Duckling Adventures: Math:   Outdoor measuring:  Grab a ruler, a measuring tape, or your "inch by inch" ruler from last week and head out into nature.  Have fun measuring the length and height of found objects.  Pick 10 objects and order them from longest to shortest.  Can you take a picture and send it to me??? Challenge:  how would you measure how long around a tree trunk is?  This is called it's circumference! Guided Drawing: Here are the pictures of our ducklings.  Help me name them!  Send me any of your suggestions (don't forget the duck's number). #1:  The firstborn.  Has a tiny yellow spot on his head and a yellow breast.  His beak and webbed feet are black.  #2:  The second to hatch.  All yellow.  Beak is pinkish purplish and orange webbed feet.  Loves to be in pictures!   #3:  Falls asleep very ea...

Monday, May 25

Good Morning! Duck Time! Literacy:   Looking at the letters that we need to print the word "duck", there are 2 that we haven't yet practiced during our online learning adventure.  You got it, the "u" and the "k".  Practice printing those letters in your journal.   Watch the following videos to help you remember the sound that each of the letters make! Math Problem: Our ducklings have hatched!  Out of our 12 original eggs, 3 did not hatch.  How many did hatch???  Can you show your work?  Remember how we drew the eggs for our problem a couple of weeks ago? Challenge:  Once you have figured out the answer for the above problem, use your answer to figure out how many webbed feet our ducklings have in total!!!!  Storytime: The Little Duck.  Can you tell an adult or older sibling at least ONE thing that you learned about ducks from this story (and our discussions)...

We have babies!!!!

Our first 2 ducklings hatched late this afternoon ... My girls and I observed the first hatch and some neighborhood friends observed the second one from outside our window!

Friday, May 22

Good Morning! Hatching update: A Message from Rhett: here are some more marble runs! And some more toilet paper challenges ... Some magic ... Here's another video from Alejo.  After listening to the part of the egg book where the wasp laid its eggs on another insect, he remembered this from his trip to Columbia ... "Alejo wants to share a couple of videos with you. He was watching today's book reading and he remembered something that we happened to witness in Colombia šŸ˜Š We were in a ecological park and walked by a wasp who had a paralyzed spider šŸ˜± she kind of move around the spider when we walked by and after we gave her space she continued pulling up the spider. " Story:  The Hungry Caterpillar Here is a fun art project for you to do! Happy Friday!  Have fun dancing to our Friday songs!!!

Thursday, May 21

From yesterday ... Good Morning! Literacy/Science: As described in the video above,  find the next 2 pages in your visual journal.  Divide each page into 4 by drawing a vertical line down the center and a horizontal line across the center.  Follow the instructions in the video to document and draw our caterpillar as it looks today.   Math: Listen to the story "Inch by Inch" by Leo Lionni. Storytime!

Wednesday, May 20

Good Morning!    I'm sorry that I had to cancel our google meets today!  I have to make a trip to the dentist to get my tooth (or teeth) fixed!  I was going to get you to make some predictions ... On a piece of paper, predict 2 things about our eggs...  1.   How many eggs do you think will hatch?  (remember we have 11 that are still developing) 2.  Which egg do you think will hatch FIRST??? Send me your predictions! I'm having some little friends delivered today.  I'll give you some hints about who/what they are! They are the LENGTH of my fingernail.  They are the WIDTH of a grain of rice.  They are living things.  I like to eat and eat and eat.  I grow fast and turn into something that looks totally different than I do.  Do you know who or what I am???  Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog to see a picture of my new friends! Math:    Get your parents or older brother or sist...

Tuesday, May 19

Good Morning! I absolutely LOVED seeing everyone at our Parade on Friday.  Thank you so much for coming out, cheering us on, making signs ...  it warmed my heart!  If you have any pictures to share, please send them to me as I didn't have a chance to take any! Hatching Adventures: Emma and I candled our eggs for the 3rd and final time today.  In 2 days, our eggs will have to go into lockdown which means we can't open the incubator or disturb the eggs.  We discovered that egg #2 stopped developing, so we took it out of the incubator.  See what else we discovered!   Letter Awareness/Sight Words: Our new sight words are "his, they, be". Letter Cc:  Practing printing the letter Cc ...  with pencil and paper, in a tray with salt and your finger or a paintbrush, on the sidewalk with chalk, on a sidewalk or your fence with a paintbrush in water, on a cookie sheet with shaving cream ...  the options are endless! ...

Thursday, May 14

Good Morning Letter Awareness/Printing:   Practice printing the letter Pp today and the letter Qq sometime this weekend!  Here are some videos!  What can you find OUTSIDE that starts with either of these letters???  The letter Q is a digraph and always needs to be with the letter u.   Learn how to draw our friend, Piggie, with the author of the Elephant and Piggie books, Mo Willems Math: I have a square base and 4 triangular faces. I have 5 vertices and 8 edges. I can't roll and I am only good for stacking if I am on the top! What am I? Yes, it's a pyramid!!!!  Can you find any pyramids in your house???  Watch this video about some REAL pyramids in our world ... Can you build a PYRAMID out of playing cards???  Here is an example ... Storytime!! Parents .... here are the directions to making and playing Kaboom!

Wednesday, May 13

Google Meet Day! 9:00 Morning Meet  overackerkinderam 1:00 Afternoon Meet overackerkinderpm Here is Kasen's creative marble run!!!!  And some pictures of Dana's ... I was excited to see this picture of Pippa and her Rock Candy experiment!!! And ... some of our toilet paper challenge participants! Get ready for a SCAVENGER HUNT!!!!  You might want to have some examples of 3D shapes close by!!! We have some exciting news!  The teachers from PoW are having a car parade!  We will be driving around Parkland and Legacy on Friday afternoon to see you!!!!  Here is our route!   It is supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL day today!  Get out, ride your bike, put on your rollerblades, take out your scooter OR just head out for a walk.  Notice some of the changes that are happening around you ... Have a great day! Can't wait to see you at our meet! Love,  Ms O. 

Tuesday, May 12

Good Morning! Here is another fabulous marble run from our friend Rhett.  Before you watch the 2nd video, pick which ball (orange, pink or yellow) will win the race!   Literacy: Watch the following video about farm animals.  Tell an adult or older brother or sister 3 things that you learned about farm animals.   Extension:  In your writing journal, draw a picture of your favorite farm animal.   Write a sentence about one thing that you learned about your favorite animal.  You can start your sentence with "I learned ...". Math:    Here is the riddle for our next 3D shape!   I have 2 circular faces. I have 1 curved face. I have no vertices. I have 2 curved edges. I am the shape of cans and toilet paper rolls. What am I? Here is a fun challenge for you.  Be sure to send me YOUR videos!!! Storytime!

Monday, May 11

Good Morning! Belated happy birthday to Eddie and Brixden!  I hope you both had an amazing day!   I loved seeing the videos/pictures of your homemade marble runs!  Here are a few to check out.  The first is my niece, Addie, who loves following the Kindergarten blog!  The 2nd is our morning friend, Brian! Candling #2 Letter Awareness/Word Work: Practice writing your letter/words using the following mediums.  Kids love the shaving cream (and it cleans your table) OR put salt in a shallow plate or tray and have fun printing your letters or previous and new sight words.   Our words for the week are:  with, as, I. .  Math: Yesterday the 10th of May.  Let's talk about our Ten Buddies!  We have talked about them before, remember they are 2 numbers that, when added together, may 10.  Here's a ten buddy game to play.  See how many ten buddies you can find horizon...

Friday, May 8

Good Morning!  Happy Friday! Skittle Science: I couldn't resist sharing this experiment that I found online!  All you need are some Skittles, some water and a plate!  Can you make a pattern with your Skittles like LJ does?  Can you send me a picture of your experiment?  I wonder if the same thing would happen if you used a different kind of candy.  Smarties?  M and M's? STEM:   Lots of you commented that you loved making the birds nest so I thought I would give you another building challenge (with the help of my friend Alejo).  Can you build your own marble run?     Here are some other ideas ...   .  Grab your moms and join our friends Koo Koo Kangaroo for a Cool Mom dance party!   Storytime! Chris has a story to share with us by one of our favorite authors!   Here's a cute coloring page I found ...  Would be a perfect picture to...