Wednesday, May 20

Good Morning!  

I'm sorry that I had to cancel our google meets today!  I have to make a trip to the dentist to get my tooth (or teeth) fixed!  I was going to get you to make some predictions ...

On a piece of paper, predict 2 things about our eggs... 

1.   How many eggs do you think will hatch?  (remember we have 11 that are still developing)
2.  Which egg do you think will hatch FIRST???

Send me your predictions!

I'm having some little friends delivered today.  I'll give you some hints about who/what they are!

They are the LENGTH of my fingernail.  They are the WIDTH of a grain of rice.  They are living things.  I like to eat and eat and eat.  I grow fast and turn into something that looks totally different than I do.  Do you know who or what I am???  Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog to see a picture of my new friends!


 Get your parents or older brother or sister to measure your height.  Cut a piece of string or yarn the same size.  Measure things in your environment to find 5 things that are taller than you and 5 things that are shorter than you.  We are going to do a 2 page spread in our visual journals.  At the top of one page write "I am taller than ..." and on the second page "I am shorter than ...".  Can you draw 3 things on each page???

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