Monday, May 25

Good Morning!

Duck Time!


Looking at the letters that we need to print the word "duck", there are 2 that we haven't yet practiced during our online learning adventure.  You got it, the "u" and the "k".  Practice printing those letters in your journal.   Watch the following videos to help you remember the sound that each of the letters make!

Math Problem:

Our ducklings have hatched!  Out of our 12 original eggs, 3 did not hatch.  How many did hatch???  Can you show your work?  Remember how we drew the eggs for our problem a couple of weeks ago?

Challenge:  Once you have figured out the answer for the above problem, use your answer to figure out how many webbed feet our ducklings have in total!!!!


The Little Duck.  Can you tell an adult or older sibling at least ONE thing that you learned about ducks from this story (and our discussions)?

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