Tuesday, May 26
Good Morning!
Duckling Adventures:
Outdoor measuring: Grab a ruler, a measuring tape, or your "inch by inch" ruler from last week and head out into nature. Have fun measuring the length and height of found objects. Pick 10 objects and order them from longest to shortest. Can you take a picture and send it to me???
Challenge: how would you measure how long around a tree trunk is? This is called it's circumference!
Guided Drawing:
Here are the pictures of our ducklings. Help me name them! Send me any of your suggestions (don't forget the duck's number).
#1: The firstborn. Has a tiny yellow spot on his head and a yellow breast. His beak and webbed feet are black.
#2: The second to hatch. All yellow. Beak is pinkish purplish and orange webbed feet. Loves to be in pictures!
#4: Yellow-green in color. Bright yellow spot on his head. His beak is blue-purple. Brown webbed feet. He does not like to be held at all!
#5: Darker yellow-green in color. Brown, yellow and green beak. Brown with yellow feet. Has a yellowish dot above his right eye.
#8:Black and Yellow lines around eye. Brown beak. Light yellow on breast.
#7: Darker brown /yellowish in color. Dark brown beak. Dark brown webbed feet.
#9: The runt of the litter. Likes his naps. Brownie yellow with yellowish breast. Brown feet and brown beak.
You can draw and color pictures of them in your visual journal. Make sure you use colors that look like the actual duck! Can you label the picture of your FAVORITE duckling with the parts of a duck? Don't forget the beak, wing, webbed feet, tail. You can draw the egg tooth at the end of the beak too!
Here is some help in learning how to draw a duckling.