Tuesday, May 19

Good Morning!

I absolutely LOVED seeing everyone at our Parade on Friday.  Thank you so much for coming out, cheering us on, making signs ...  it warmed my heart!  If you have any pictures to share, please send them to me as I didn't have a chance to take any!

Hatching Adventures:

Emma and I candled our eggs for the 3rd and final time today.  In 2 days, our eggs will have to go into lockdown which means we can't open the incubator or disturb the eggs.  We discovered that egg #2 stopped developing, so we took it out of the incubator.  See what else we discovered!  

Letter Awareness/Sight Words:

Our new sight words are "his, they, be".

Letter Cc:  Practing printing the letter Cc ...  with pencil and paper, in a tray with salt and your finger or a paintbrush, on the sidewalk with chalk, on a sidewalk or your fence with a paintbrush in water, on a cookie sheet with shaving cream ...  the options are endless!

What sound(s) does a letter c make?  Watch the following videos to help thing of words that begin with the /c/ sound.


We are going to learn some more about Non-standard measurement.  Watch the video below before we get started ...

I borrowed this activity from A pinch of KINDER.  Let's do some measurement using our feet!  Get a parent or older brother or sister to do the activity with you using their feet.  Did you come up with the same measurements?  Why or why not???

Happy 6th Birthday to our morning friend RHETT!!!  Join us in dancing and singing to our friends, Neil and Brian as we wish Rhett a happy birthday!


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