
Showing posts from December, 2019

Fabulous Friday/Saturday

Happy Friday!!! It was a busy week in Kindergarten with lots of fun and learning about things we often find around the holiday season.  We did some guided drawings (of a reindeer, an elf and the grinch) and have our finished reindeer on display in the main hallway.  The grinch was a bit tricky but we learned how to draw him using numbers and letters on a website called "muffalo potato".  Check it out! We talked about the concept of "estimating" and spent some time estimating how many Hershey kisses were in 2 different sized mason jars.  Congratulations to Alejo and Rhett who estimated the closest for the large jar of 57 kisses.  Their estimation of 54 was only 3 off!  Charlotte guessed that there were 15 kisses in the smaller jar when there were in fact, 17.  Way to go Charlotte!  We will continue practicing our estimation skills next week with more treats in our jars! We were excited to decorate our gingerbread houses with our buddies on We...

Happy Saturday!

Good morning Parents of my amazing Kindergarten students! I hope this blog finds everyone in your house HEALTHY!  So much has been going around our school and classroom.  We are really focusing on being healthy ... washing our hands, drinking water, exercising and eating healthy.  Hopefully that helps us stay as healthy as possible going into Christmas break. This week we continued our work on patterning, creating our own patterns using beautiful things (beads, snowflakes, pom noms, buttons etc).  We are practicing creating our own patterns as well as "reading them" using their attributes (blue, blue, red, blue, blue, red) as well as letters (AABAAB).  We did colored patterns on our elves legs and are trying to find ways of making our learning visible to you!  Its difficult when so much of our work is hands on and process, not product, orientated.  I get to see the students learning, but its important that YOU get to see it too!  We have some ...

Terrific Tuesday!

I LOVE teaching Kindergarten in December.  With my own children being teenagers, the magic of Christmas has changed a bit.  The students have been so excited about some of the things we have been doing these past few days ...  they have been pretending to be elves in Santa's workshop (baking cookies, making coffees and doing some construction).  We discovered that we are being visited (and watched) by some of Santa's elves and were excited to name them yesterday.  Welcome to our classroom Rudolph and Elsa!  We also have been visited by the Kindness Elves who are giving us a daily challenge to add more kindness to the season.  Today they asked us to bring in food for the food bank!  Please bring in a non-perishable item or 2 (or 3 ...) for those in our city who are less fortunate than us.  Thank you!  I wonder what the kindness elves will have in store for us tomorrow! Today we did some patterning and Sophie demonstrated how to make bea...