Terrific Tuesday!

I LOVE teaching Kindergarten in December.  With my own children being teenagers, the magic of Christmas has changed a bit.  The students have been so excited about some of the things we have been doing these past few days ...  they have been pretending to be elves in Santa's workshop (baking cookies, making coffees and doing some construction).  We discovered that we are being visited (and watched) by some of Santa's elves and were excited to name them yesterday.  Welcome to our classroom Rudolph and Elsa!  We also have been visited by the Kindness Elves who are giving us a daily challenge to add more kindness to the season.  Today they asked us to bring in food for the food bank!  Please bring in a non-perishable item or 2 (or 3 ...) for those in our city who are less fortunate than us.  Thank you!  I wonder what the kindness elves will have in store for us tomorrow!

Today we did some patterning and Sophie demonstrated how to make beaded snowflakes (Thank you Sophie!).   We learned how to draw an elf through the guided drawing process and had fun looking at how different all of our drawings turned out to be, despite following the same directions.  We had music (morning class) and the afternoon class went to the library.  We were so excited to see the new shelves in our library!

Both classes worked with their grade 5/6 buddies to complete their letters to Santa.  We are hoping that he will write back!!!  Stay tuned ...

The students have been really inspired to write letters and cards over the past few weeks.  They enjoy writing cards to their friends in the classroom as well as in the school.  Yesterday the students were excited to write letters that the elves could deliver to Santa.  It's amazing how, when writing is meaningful, that the students are engaged and excited about their learning.  It shows how their understanding of letters, sounds and words is improving!

Speaking of buddies ....

On Wednesday, December 11 our grade 5/6 students will be creating gingerbread houses with their kindergarten buddies.  We are asking students to bring in enough nut-free candy to decorate one small gingerbread house.  Please have students bring their candy in a small Ziploc bag labeled with their own name.

Parents, if you are interested in helping with putting the gingerbread houses together beforehand on Tuesday, December 10, please email Ms. Overacker at sloveracker@cbe.ab.ca or Mrs.Warrener at  cmwarrener@cbe.ab.ca


The Grade K/5/6 Team
Ms. Overacker
Miss Gilbank


A HUGE thank you to Deer Valley Co-Op who have generously donated $100 to cover the costs of our graham wafers and icing.  We appreciate your support!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O. 

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