Fabulous Friday/Saturday

Happy Friday!!!

It was a busy week in Kindergarten with lots of fun and learning about things we often find around the holiday season.  We did some guided drawings (of a reindeer, an elf and the grinch) and have our finished reindeer on display in the main hallway.  The grinch was a bit tricky but we learned how to draw him using numbers and letters on a website called "muffalo potato".  Check it out!

We talked about the concept of "estimating" and spent some time estimating how many Hershey kisses were in 2 different sized mason jars.  Congratulations to Alejo and Rhett who estimated the closest for the large jar of 57 kisses.  Their estimation of 54 was only 3 off!  Charlotte guessed that there were 15 kisses in the smaller jar when there were in fact, 17.  Way to go Charlotte!  We will continue practicing our estimation skills next week with more treats in our jars!

We were excited to decorate our gingerbread houses with our buddies on Wednesday.  Thank you to everyone who sent in candy and those who sent in some extras too!  A HUGE thank you to Leah and Ainsley for putting our houses together and to Leah and Aneta for helping out during the decorating.  Your support is appreciated!!!!  A BIG thank you to Deer Valley Co-Op and Shawnessy Co-OP for donating $200 in gift cards to cover the cost of 108 students to decorate their own houses.  Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!

We read the story "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on  Wednesday and viewed the orininal movie on Thursday.  The morning class also got to listen to Rhett's retelling of the story.  Amazing job, Rhett!  We were excited to make some healthy Grinch Kabobs today.  Ask your child what went into their kabobs and why they looked like the grinch!  We are decorating some Grinch cookies on Monday (to eat and share with friends in the school to spread some kindness).

We played some Tenzi (a great dice game if you are looking for some more stocking stuffers), which is amazing for subtilizing!!!!

Mrs. Hornick (our school Physiotherapist) gave us a presentation on wiping our bottoms.  Ask your child what "wipe it until it's white" means.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in food for the Food Bank!  We have brought in over 60 items of food.  Our goal is still to get to 100 if you haven't already donated!

The morning class was excited to get some mail on Friday ...  We were all excited to be on the nice list!  Everyone but Ms. O ... I guess I should have sent Santa a letter and reminded him of how good I've been!  Santa also included some sunflower seeds for us to plant in the spring.  Thank you Santa!

There is a letters waiting for the afternoon class to open on Monday!

This coming week will be more relaxing (for me anyway, since report cards are done!).  We have lots going on in the school including ...

Tuesday:     Caroling in the gym at 1:00
Wednesday:  Caroling at 9:00
Thursday:  Last day of classes before Christmas break.  Caroling in the gym at 12:30.
***. We will also be having a pj, pancake, hot chocolate party today and enjoying the story of The Polar Express.  We are looking for someone to bring whipped cream and cups for our hot chocolate (the other supplies are already supplied!). Please let me know if you are interested in donating!!!!  We would like 4 containers of spray whipped cream and 40 cups.

We also have a couple of school wide spirit days planned.  They are ...

Monday, December 16
Brr…It’s cold outside!
Bundle up in your favorite scarf.

Tuesday, December 17
Jingle Bells!
Show off your best holiday bling
(special hats and headbands, holiday
socks, etc)
1:00 Caroling

Wednesday, December 18
Deck the Halls!
Wear your favorite holiday shirt or
9:00 Caroling

Thursday, December 19
Twas the Day before Winter Break
Wear your comfy PJ’s

12:30 Caroling

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!  See you on Monday!  

Ms. O. 

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