Monday, November 25

How can it be the end of November already? I don't know if I have said this, but I am enjoying these 2 groups of Kindergarten so much! They are both amazing, unique groups of students with such a wonderful energy and enthusiasm to learn! I enjoy every day spent teaching them! Last week was filled with talk about our families. We graphed how many people are in our immediate families using a horizontal graph which was different from the vertical graph we used to graph the number of letters in our names. Some of the things we discovered were ... R. O. – 4’s have the most. That means that the 4’s have way more than the 5’s and the 6’s and the 3’s. A.M – 5 and the 3 have less. E. S-J – 3 people have 6 people in their family. CM – There are more people with 4 people in their family than 5. BM – I learned that 5 has less than 4 and 4 has more and 2 has 2. AK – I learned that 4 is lower than 5 and 6 is lower tha...