Fabulous Friday

Happy Friday!  It's been another full week in our classroom.  Here is what we have been working on ...

1.  Remembrance Day:  We finished our felt poppies and were excited to wear them for our assembly today.  We also finished our poppy art (proudly displayed on the bulletin boards at the end of the main hallway) and added a new poppy poem to our poetry books.  We had fun sharing our poetry books with our grade 5/6 buddies this morning.

2.  Math:  We have continued our work on sorting, subtizing and showing numbers through drawing pictures, using the 100's chart and ten frame, showing what the number looks like on a face of a dice (or on two die), number stories (mostly addition at this point) and recording using tally marks.  We have also been learning about patterning.

3.  Literacy:  We have been working on sounding out words during large group literacy activities, increasing our understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds.  We have also been talking about syllables. Ask your child to show you how they can figure out how many syllables are in a word?  We have added the letter Pp to the list of letters we have talked about and practiced printing.  We are fabulous at identifying words with the /p/ sound!  Ask your child if he can name a few?

4.  Gym:  We were excited to develop our ringette skills, learning the proper way to hold a stick and how to move the ring properly (thanks Pippa for demonstrating).  We are VERY excited to start our hockey learning ...  we are just trying to find the missing puck bucket!

On Monday when the afternoon students arrived at school, their chatter was all about the fire that took place in Legacy.  To help answer their questions and alleviate their concerns, I invited a firefighter friend of mine, Mark, into the classroom on Tuesday to talk to the kids.  It was wonderful having an expert come in to share his knowledge about fires and help the students understand what can help keep them safe.  Mark stopped in yesterday to bring both classes a book on fire safety (the morning brought theirs home today) and we were so excited to learn that he had come to the school in a real FIRE TRUCK!  Thank you Mark for letting us explore the Hazardous Materials truck (inside and out) and for trying to answer our questions amidst our excitement!  We have planned 2 firestation tours to the local Parkland Firehall (we will be walking as it is only a 10 min walk).  The morning class will be going on Friday, November 29 from 9:30 - 10:45 and the afternoon will be going on Friday, December 6 from 9:30-10:45.  Please make sure to dress your child appropriately for the weather!  We are looking for some volunteers to join us on our walk and the firestation tour.  Please let Leah Kirk (our amazing room mom ...  leahkirk@shaw.ca ) know if you are able to attend!  Just a reminder that you must have a security clearance in order to volunteer in and out of the classroom.

Please help your child remember to bring their mail pocket, library books and poetry books back on a weekly basis.  It really does help your child participate fully in classroom activities and helps us stay organized.  Thank you!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. O.

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