Thoughtful Thursday

Happy Thursday!  What beautiful weather we have had this week!  We may go outside for a bit tomorrow, so afternoon class, please make sure you have boots and winter gear!  Tomorrow is the afternoon class' turn to attend.  We are having PJ day, so wear your favorite, comfy pj's and get ready for Flashlight Friday, starting with buddy time.  Morning class, have a fabulous day staying in your pj's and sleeping in!  I will miss you!

This week we talked about the following:

World Kindness Day/Cardigan day:  Thank you to everyone who wore their cardigans in memory of Mr. Rogers and to celebrate World Kindness day!  We got in the spirit of being kind (or kinder than usual) by passing out some kindness notes to our school community.  I also gave each of the students a "love" button and pinned it above their heart to "soak up their good vibes".  The "Love button" is meant to be given away to someone who needs a bit of love and kindness.  The students were excited to give their buttons away to their buddies and other students/teachers in the school.  We felt so good being kind!

Math:  We did some math with figuring out how many letters are in our first name.  We counted and showed the number using the numeral as well as in a ten frame.  Today we graphed our results and the morning class came up with the following learnings about what the graph told us...

It tells me that 5 has the most – R.O. 
9 people have 5 letters in their name - E.C
It tells us how many letters are in your name – C.S.
Charlotte and Elizabeth have 9 letters in their name – C. J.
I have 5 letters in my name – M.M.
No one in our class has 7 letters in their name – C.S.
1 person has 8 letters in their name, Jeannine – C.L.

The afternoon class will be looking at their graph tomorrow as we ran out of time today!

We put the finishing touches on our Cathy Beveridge drawings and are excited to see our finished class book!  It will be ready to be shared at conferences next week ...

Our dramatic play area will be changing once again and I'm hoping to change it to a workshop where kids can build and take things apart.  I would love any old electronics, tools etc that we can safely take apart (and not put back together).  If you have anything to donate, please send it in with your child or bring it to conferences next week ...

Conference booking is open and, as of today, I'm only 1/2 booked.  PLEASE take the time to make a booking and come in for 15 minutes to view the results of the EYE testing (Early Years Evaluation) and chat about how your child is adjusting to Kindergarten.  It is very important to your child (and to me) that we have a strong connection to make this the best year possible!  THANK YOU!!!

Next week is a short week with conferences being held in Kindergarten both Thursday and Friday.  

Have a great weekend! 

Ms. O. 

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