Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday Parents and Guardians! What a crazy weather day! I hope everyone is staying warm amidst the snow and wind! We had a FULL week last week with presentations from 2 wonderful organizations. We were also busy making our art for our Winter Art Cards. This is a fundraiser for the school that is in its second year. The children do an art piece which is then turned into winter/Christmas cards that can be purchased. They did a beautiful job and I'm sure that you will love the finished products! The cards should be coming home mid-late November. On Tuesday we had Fallon and Fribbit from the Bonavista Eye Clinic present to us about keeping our eyes safe and healthy. Fallon talked about healthy food and keeping our eyes safe through washing our hands, not touching our eyes and wearing sunglasses. She taught us about our pupil and its and how the iris opens and closes to allow light into our eyes. She also talked to us ...