
Showing posts from October, 2019

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday Parents and Guardians! What a crazy weather day!  I hope everyone is staying warm amidst the snow and wind! We had a FULL week last week  with presentations from 2 wonderful organizations.  We were also busy making our art for our Winter Art Cards.  This is a fundraiser for the school that is in its second year.  The children do an art piece which is then turned into winter/Christmas cards that can be purchased.  They did a beautiful job and I'm sure that you will love the finished products!  The cards should be coming home mid-late November. On Tuesday we had Fallon and Fribbit from the Bonavista Eye Clinic present to us about keeping our eyes safe and healthy.  Fallon talked about healthy food and keeping our eyes safe through washing our hands, not touching our eyes and wearing sunglasses.  She taught us about our pupil and its and how the iris opens and closes to allow light into our eyes.  She also talked to us ...


Joy has been the word that has popped into my mind the last few days.  One of the things I love most about teaching Kindergarten is the students JOY.  Their joy in going outside for a picnic.  The joy that comes with a new center, a new playground to explore, seeing their friends.  Teaching young children always reminds me of how important the little things are.  I feel so lucky to have your children in my care this year.  They fill my heart with JOY! This week we had the privilege of working with a REAL author, Ms. Cathy Beveridge (ask your child to sing our author/illustrator song to tell you what an author does).  Cathy talked to us about characters and settings and helped us to write and illustrate our class book.  In our story, we have gone out to the playground and each of us takes turn sliding down a magic slide ... into an unknown land of our choice!  The students were so excited and engaged in their work as they illustrated the pla...
Happy Thursday Parents and Guardians! We have had another busy week here in Kindergarten.  Here is what we have been talking about and working on since last week ... Math:  We have continued learning and practicing our sorting.  We have also begun to learn about patterns.  Our calendar pieces are in a pattern, so we have been focusing on reading and predicting the calendar piece that comes next on our calendar.  We have continued our work on number stories, working on stories up to 10.  We have also started playing math games with dice.  The students should be bringing home a copy of the Turkey dice game we played this week.  Ask them if they can show you how to play. Literacy:  We have been talking lots about what it means to be Thankful as we approach our Thanksgiving day long weekend.  We have been reading lots of stories, including my favorite "The Thankful Book" by Todd Parr.  We also watched the following videos ... Ki...

Happy Wednesday!

What a beautiful day it turned out to be!  Thank you for ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather so that we may go outside if the weather permits.  The afternoon class was thrilled to be able to end our day outside exploring the wet, sticky snow. This week we have been learning about the letter /a/ ... the way it looks, the way we print it and the way it sounds when it says /ah/ or says its name /ay/.  We have brainstormed words and, in the afternoon class, realized how many of our names begin with A!!  The morning class will do their brainstorming and printing tomorrow ... The new month has given us the opportunity to focus more on the numbers to 10.  For example, on the first day, we used our fingers to discover how many different ways we can make stories for the number 1.  Today we did the number 2 and discovered that 2+0, 0+2 and 1+1 are all ways that we can reach 2 through addition.  It's amazing how students naturall...