Happy Wednesday!

What a beautiful day it turned out to be!  Thank you for ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather so that we may go outside if the weather permits.  The afternoon class was thrilled to be able to end our day outside exploring the wet, sticky snow.

This week we have been learning about the letter /a/ ... the way it looks, the way we print it and the way it sounds when it says /ah/ or says its name /ay/.  We have brainstormed words and, in the afternoon class, realized how many of our names begin with A!!  The morning class will do their brainstorming and printing tomorrow ...

The new month has given us the opportunity to focus more on the numbers to 10.  For example, on the first day, we used our fingers to discover how many different ways we can make stories for the number 1.  Today we did the number 2 and discovered that 2+0, 0+2 and 1+1 are all ways that we can reach 2 through addition.  It's amazing how students naturally start coming up with subtraction stories  as ways to reach the targeted number.  Their math minds are amazing.  They do many operations without even realizing they are doing them!  We will continue to explore number through this process throughout the year.

I wish I could tape the conversations that happen in the class on a daily basis.  The learning that the students demonstrate and the discussions about what is going on in the class and school is amazing.  Discussions about Terry Fox, sorting, fall ...  I am in the process of trying to figure out a new app that will make recording and sharing their learning easier to do.  I will keep you posted on my progress!

A huge thank you for helping your child remember to bring his/her library book back by our library time.  There were only a handful of students who weren't able to sign out books on our library day.  We are hoping to get into the routine of taking out books as often as we bring them back but need to understand how to sign books out independently before that happens. So for the next little while, please return your child's book prior to their library time on Tuesday (pm) and Wednesday (am).

Speaking of independence ...  One of the most important things about Kindergarten is encouraging the students to be independent and take responsibility for their bodies, their things and their learning. you can help me with this at home by encouraging your child to get dressed and undressed on his/her own.  The students are proud of themselves when they can do something on their own and it makes all of our lives easier when they can take off boots and snow pants and put them on without having to ask for help.  Remembering to take their mail pockets out of their backpacks, hanging up their backpacks and putting their supplies, toys and lunch kits away helps our classroom run much smoother!!!  Thank you for your help!

Friday is the afternoon class to attend and we are excited to meet with our buddies and have our first ever FLASHLIGHT FRIDAY!  Morning class, you get to sleep in!!!

Vet Clinic:  We will be turning our dramatic play center into a vet clinic for next week (hopefully).  We would love donations of the following:  clean, gently loved stuffed animals (that you would see at a vet's ...  dogs, cats, snake, hamsters etc ...), play doctors kit and anything else we would find in a clinic!  Thank you!

SUTP (Student Union Ticket Packs):  Please return these ASAP if you weren't wanting to purchase one.  Notes will be going home to students who have not yet returned the $25 or book.  Thank you!  Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser by purchasing a book and/or selling them to friends and family.  I know that September is an expensive month so adding one more thing can be challenging.

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.

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