Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday Parents and Guardians!

What a crazy weather day!  I hope everyone is staying warm amidst the snow and wind!

We had a FULL week last week  with presentations from 2 wonderful organizations.  We were also busy making our art for our Winter Art Cards.  This is a fundraiser for the school that is in its second year.  The children do an art piece which is then turned into winter/Christmas cards that can be purchased.  They did a beautiful job and I'm sure that you will love the finished products!  The cards should be coming home mid-late November.

On Tuesday we had Fallon and Fribbit from the Bonavista Eye Clinic present to us about keeping our eyes safe and healthy.  Fallon talked about healthy food and keeping our eyes safe through washing our hands, not touching our eyes and wearing sunglasses.  She taught us about our pupil and its and how the iris opens and closes to allow light into our eyes.  She also talked to us about our optic nerve that connects our eyes to our brain and how we need both our eyes and brain to see.  It was an awesome presentation and we were super excited to meet Fribbit as well!  Did you know that eye exams and eyeglasses are FREE for Kindergarten students?  If you haven't done so, please make an appointment to get your child's eyes checked.  This is a crucial time to make sure that their eyes are healthy and working together as they are learning to read and write.  I personally go to the Bonavista Eye Clinic and they are not only amazing but accepting new patients!

On Thursday we had Jamie from Food Impact come in to talk to us about the importance of eating healthy foods and how choosing the right types of foods is so important.  Did you know that healthy foods give us SUPERPOWERS???  Eating healthy gives us strong muscles, bones and teeth, healthy eyes and energy for play.  She introduced the students to the Canada Food Guide (which should have come home in your child's backpack on Thursday) and talked about how the fruit and vegetable section is the largest because we should eat mostly from that category during the day.  Different kinds of foods give us our superpowers.  Fruits and veggies protect our bodies, protein gives us strong muscles and bones and whole grains give us energy.  She talked about how pizza can be an unhealthy or healthy food depending on what we put on it.  Jamie also talked about "sometimes foods" such as candy and how we have to be food detectives and watch out for "tricky foods" such as fruit roll-ups, Real Fruit Gummies and From Loops.  Jamie then led us through making our own granola (again the recipe card should have come home on Thursday) and helped us make our own Yoghurt Parfaits.  I was suprised to see that most of the students loved them!  Jamie also included a sample of WOW butter (peanut free spread) and a Kind fruit bar.  If you haven't already paid for this presentation, please do so online!!!!

We introduced some new Halloween centers this week but with everything else going on, didn't have much time to experiment with them!  Next week ...

The students were very excited about our Halloween Dance on Thursday night.  It was wonderful seeing so many families attend.  What a fun night!

The afternoon class was excited to attend class on Friday in their PJ's and spend time with their buddies reading by flashlight.  We also had an assembly where we announced that the school raised almost $7000 for the Terry Fox Foundation.  WOW!!!  We also introduced our "Be Active.  Be Strong.  Last 60 days" challenge.  Did you realize that we are in the last couple of months of the decade????  We are challenging all of the staff and students in the school to do one minute of activity during our school day (in addition to our 30 minutes of gym time) that focuses on making our bodies active and strong.  Thanks to our school-based Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist who came in a talked to us about the importance of providing daily strength activities (such as planking, wall-sits etc) that not only improve our gross motor strength but our core strength and fine motor control as well.  Starting next week, your child should be able to introduce you to some of these activities that you can do at home as well!

A huge thank you to our morning volunteer coordinator, Leah Kirk, for offering to organize volunteers to support our Kindergarten program this year.  Leah has generously offered to coordinate for the afternoon class as well.  As soon as she receives the email list for the afternoon students, she will be sending home an introduction letter.  In the meantime, we do have a Halloween party on Thursday and are hoping to supply some snacks for the students (this has already been organized for the morning class).  If you are in the afternoon and would like to donate some of the following items, please let me know (please remember that we have 22 students in our afternoon class)

1.  Fruit tray
2.  Veggie tray (or kid friendly veggies such as carrots, snap peas, celery, peppers)
3.  Cheese and pepperoni tray
4.  Juice boxes
5.  Individual packages of chips or popcorn
6.  A sweet treat (cookies, brownies, mini-cupcakes etc)

Please email me at sloveracker@cbe.ab.ca if you can donate!

Here are some photos of our week ... ENJOY!

Ms. O.

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