Tuesday, June 9

Good Morning!


We have a special guest reader, author AND illustrator, Ashley Hansen,  sharing her beautiful story called "Window Hearts".   


Can you make a window heart for your window (or windows)???  Here are some ideas ...
Check out the website for directions to make this multileveled heart!  http://www.littlebitfunky.com/2013/02/40-ideas-num-16-cardboard-art.html

heart hanging

This is the simple and quick way we make watercolor hearts in our house that have a clean edge.

Do you have watercolor paints at home?  Make a large watercolor heart or a bunch of small ones to put in your windows!  


Just cut out a big heart out of colored paper and put it in your window!  


Let's practice printing the 2 letters that when turned upside down, look like each other!  M and W!  With the help of Geraldine the Giraffe and Sesame Street, lets practice the sounds that they make!


Race to fill the cup!  We have played this game before using cubes, lego or solid items to fill the cup.  Lets use water today!  You will need 2 cups, a pail of water and a tablespoon.  Roll 1 or 2 dice and add that many tablespoons of water to your cup.  Whoever reaches the top of the cup, without overflowing their cup, wins!!!

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