Monday, June 15

Good Morning!

Our butterflies have emerged from their chrysalis!  Here are some pictures!  The first is a close up of our Painted Lady butterflies!We have 14 butterflies that have hatched!  We started with 17.  How many didn't hatch???

This is what the chrysalis looks like when the butterfly has emerged.

Our butteflies are loving the juice from watermelon and oranges!  

Can you draw a picture of the butterflies in your visual journal? Follow along with our friends at Kids Hub as they teach you how to draw a butterfly!  Can you label your butterfly with the kind of butterfly?  Remember they are Painted Lady's!

This is a cool video that shows the entire butterfly life cycle ...  in quick time!

We have been lucky to see 3 stages of the butterfly's life cycle.  We got the caterpillars (larvae) when they were small, watched them grow and form their chrysalis' (pupa)  and now, emerge as beautiful Painted Lady butterflies.  The butterflies will lay eggs and guess what will hatch from the eggs?  You got it, caterpillars!  And the cycle will start all over again.


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