Terrific Tuesday!

Good morning Kindergarten friends! Thank you to everyone who responded to my email from yesterday. Now that I have an idea of what the technology needs are from everyone, our planning can begin! I will be posting my blog by 8:30 in the morning each day with a task that I would like you to complete. Learning in Kindergarten is very hands on and much of our learning occurs through play based activities, thus many of the activities given will follow this philosophy. I want this to be a time for you and your child to engage in their learning adventure together. I know what it's like to fight with a child over homework and at home tasks and it really isn't conducive to learning or fostering the positive relationship with your child. Helpful links from CBE: Ongoing Learning Page on CBE website. https://www.cbe.ab.ca/programs/curriculum/learning-at-home/Pages/default.aspx Online resources posted to CBE website: https://www.cbe.ab...