Thoughtful Thursday!

Happy Thursday!  What a beautiful day we had today!  We were very excited to spend some time outside on the old playground.  We are learning how to go down the fire pole.  Woot woot!

We have been doing lots of practicing this week and completing artwork that we need for our performance pieces.  It has been a busy week but we are sure excited about sharing with you next week!

Thank you to everyone who has sent back extra tickets.  We try and accommodate all of the requests we receive for extra tickets which should be going home on Monday.

Just to clarify a few things about the dress rehearsals and evening performances ...

Wednesday's dress rehearsal (9-10)is for the morning class and class time will be regular hours.

Wednesday evening performance is for students whose last names begin with A-K.

Thursday's dress rehearsal (1-2) is for the afternoon class.  Class time will be regular hours.

Thursday evening's performance is for students whose last names begin with L-Z.

The students are encouraged to wear brightly colored shirts or dresses.  Preferably without big logos or sayings.  Please don't feel that you need to go out and buy something for your child!  If you have any questions, please let me know!

For one of the projects we need to complete by Wednesday, I am looking for a few volunteers who can use a hot glue gun!  Please let me know if you are available to help us out for even 1/2 hour on Monday.  Thank you!

Yesterday we were proud to wear pink (or red) to show that we will stand up for bullying.  It was interesting to read all of the messages that were on our pink shirts about being kind, standing up to bullying, love ...  You truly have a kind group of students and I love being able to point out the ways that they are already being kind.  We have been reading stories about bullying this week and have completed a few activities that helped our understanding.  On Tuesday we cut out a paper heart.  While we read the story by Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, we crumpled up the heart everytime someone said something unkind to Chrysanthemum.  When someone would say something nice, we would try and flatten our heart out.  The point of this activity was to show the students that when unkind things are said and done to someone, kind words can help but never truly take away the pain caused.  Today we also did some talking and writing about what we could do to show kindness.  We talked about how it doesn't cost money to be kind and discussed how good it feels!  We talked about how delivering flowers and coffees to staff, passing out kind notes to our friends in the school, handing out love buttons DOES make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.  The afternoon class was part of the Pink Shirt Day assembly that the Grade 3 team put on.  Great job Grade 3's!

Tomorrow the Morning Kindergarten are wanting to wear their pj's!  We will do some practicing and start to plan our puppet project!

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.

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