Terrific Tuesday

It has been another busy week in Kindergarten!  Here is what we have been learning ...

Math:  We have continued our work on shapes, identifying characteristics that are unique to each shape.  Today we discussed how a square and rectangle are the same and different.  Each day this week we have been practicing all of the different ways to show the number on the calendar.  Today we talked about what an even number is.  Ask your child if he/she can tell you what is special about even numbers.  We have just started our learning about even and odd, so if he/she can't tell you, don't worry! 

Literacy:  We have done lots of writing this week including writing about our favorite color and why we think it is best.  We started by watching the story "Red is Best".  We then watched the Flames hockey team read the story (which some of the hockey fans thought was pretty cool) and discussed why they might think red is best.  The students were then encouraged to choose their own favorite color and draw/write about why it is their favorite color and why it is the BEST!

Yesterday we read the story "The Map Book", concentrating on the author's "Map of the Heart".  Today we brainstormed who and what is in our own hearts and drew and labeled our own Heart Maps. 

We have been working on learning the sound that the /ing/ make together as well as the /sh/ (quiet friends), /th/ (naughty friends) , and /ch/ (chopping friends).  We spend lots of time in our daily message filling in missing letters in words and have started with a "mystery word" (like hangman).  We are learning that, to figure out an unfamiliar word, a strategy is to read the words around the unknown word.  Ask your child how many games I have won and how many the students have won ...

We read the story "The Colors of Us" and, with the help of some of our Grade 5/6 friends, mixed some skin colors.  We compared our own skin colors to those we created and used the skin colors to add a head to our sponge paint self-portraits.  We added details to our self-portraits with sharpie and are proudly displaying our work on the bulletin board in at the end of the main hallway.

Science:  We have continued our learning on winter and the primary and secondary colors.  This learning will continue over the next few weeks.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in cereal boxes for our Valentine's mailboxes.  A HUGE thank you to Leah and Shantel for taping and wrapping our boxes.  We still have a few that need to be wrapped if anyone is interested ...

This week we were excited to discover some new puzzles in our classroom.  We are learning how to perservere, even when a puzzle is challenging, work with a partner and learn strategies that help us with our puzzle making skills!  Puzzles are great for visual discrimination as well as fine motor skills.  We also brought out our beads, including new heart shaped beads, to make friendship bracelets.  We have enjoyed making valentine's pictures and cards at the writing center too. 

Just a reminder to send in your child's Valentine's cards by next Wednesday for your child to pass out.  Please ensure that you have 1 card for each student (16 in the am and 22 in the pm).  Your child might want to bring 1 or 2 for his/her grade 5/6 buddy as well. 

The afternoon class had a great time snowshoeing today!  It was too chilly for the morning class to go but we are going to attempt it again tomorrow!  Darn Calgary weather! 

Thursday we will be walking down to the Deer Valley mall.  Please see the letter attached to the messenger that will be sent out Wednesday morning.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather and for walking ...

Today the morning class brought home their Love Button project letter.  Please make sure to take it out of your child's backpack.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you for your support of this project!  The afternoon class will be bringing their letters and Love Button tomorrow!

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.

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