Sunday ...

Good morning Kindergarten parents!

Last week was a busy one for a short week!  We are deep in concert preparations and will continue our practicing and preparation over the next 2 weeks.  Thank you for encouraging and supporting your child as they practice at home.  The more we practice, the more we will "WOW" you and all of our other audience members!

Tickets went home on Friday with the afternoon class and will be going home tomorrow with the morning class.  In addition to the evening performances, there will be 2 dress rehearsals that you are welcome to attend.  The morning class will be rehearsing on Wednesday march 4 at 9:00.  The afternoon class will be performing at 1:00 on Thursday, March 5.  Performances should last for approximately an hour.

If you have extra tickets that you will not be using, please send them back to the school as soon as possible so that they can be allocated to others that are looking for extra tickets.  Thank you!  Also, please let me know if your child is unable to attend the evening performance that they are scheduled to.  We are putting so much time and effort into practicing and the students are so excited.  I'm hoping that all children will be able to attend.  Thank you!

This week, we worked on oral storytelling with Cathy B. and with some new finger puppets I had ordered.  We read the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and watched Little Red Riding Hood and I introduced the children to my Red Riding Hood storytelling doll.  We are practicing retelling familiar stories using puppets and props as well as recreating our own stories.  We will continue to read familiar fairy tales over the next little while to encourage retelling of familiar stories.

I am surprised at how well the students are understanding the concepts of even and odd.  Having taught grade 1 last year, I am familiar with the curriculum and know what the students will need to know.  This is definitely beneficial to the students as I am introducing many of the concepts that will be introduced and now will be familiar to them next year.  I find the Kindergarten math curriculum to be ver basic and the students are ready to learn so much more.

We had a great time doing some snowshoeing last week in the fresh snow.  Thank you for always making sure that your child has snow pants and mitts so they can enjoy our outdoor activities.  The students are becoming more comfortable walking (and running) in the snowshoes and love getting outside in the fresh air.  The weather looks amazing over the next week and we will be trying to get outside for gym, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately!

This week, we will be talking more about Kindness and the importance of standing up for each other with a focus on Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday. We will be discussing the history of Pink Shirt Day, what the term "bullying" means and what we can do to promote a culture of kindness, with focus on what to do if we see someone being bullied.  We have a Pink Shirt Day assembly on Wednesday at 12:30.  All students are encouraged to wear pink on Wednesday.  Morning students are welcome to attend our assembly with a parent or guardian.

Here are some photos from the last few weeks/month to show our joy and learning!

Have a great Sunday!

Ms. O.

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