Wonderful Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  We have had some great learning happening over the past few days.  Here is what we have learned...

- not to put lego up your nose and what you can do if you do and it gets stuck
- What animals do in the winter ...  ask your child if they can describe what hibernation, migration and adaptation all mean
- the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees
- what the characteristics are of a circle.  Can your child give you examples of things in real life that are circular?  We are talking about 2D shapes now and will progress to 3D shapes over the next couple of weeks.  We spend a lot of time discovering shapes in our environment.  Ask your child what shapes he/she sees when you are traveling in the car, sitting at the Dr's office, waiting in line at the grocery store...
- We read the story "Ten Black Dots" and created our own "dot" pictures using between 1 and 10 dots and drawing pictures around our dots.   We told our stories for Ms. O to type out and add to our pictures. 
- We started discovering words that we can already read in our environment and have a great start to our environmental print board.  Thank you for your support in sending these words in!  We look at words as we read them, noticing things such as which words have the /ch/, /th/ and /sh/ sounds.  Which words have a double /oo/, start with a certain letter etc.  The students are so excited to be able to read these words!
- Today we had a scientist in school spend the day with us and teach us about Wonders of Winter.  Thank you to our parents who came in and helped out!  Make sure to check your child's backpack for his/her bird feeder and snowflake.

Tomorrow is Thursday and both groups will be going to the library to exchange their books.  Please remind your child to bring his/her library book back as well as their poetry books. Thanks! 

We are hoping to spend some time outside tomorrow and Friday so please send your child in/with their winter gear so they can slide, sit and play in the snow!

Friday is the AFTERNOON's turn to attend. 

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.

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