Marvelous Monday!

Happy Monday! 

Some of the things we have been learning in Kindergarten over the past few days ...

Today we talked about triangles and what their characteristics are.  We looked a different sizes and forms and discovered that all triangles have 2 things in common - they have 3 points (vertices) and 3 straight sides.  It was more difficult discovering things in our environment that can be triangular, but the students surprised me with their thinking!  Some of the things we thought of were slices of pizza, pyramids, tents, the roof of a house, a shark's fin (and teeth), a slide, the mountains and a birthday hat.  Ask your child what he/she can find at home that can be a triangular shape?  Can they draw a triangle?  I found that some children needed support in this area today.  You can help them by drawing three dots and having them connect them, one side at a time.  Thank you!!!

The morning class learned about the Subnivean Zone last Thursday when we read the story "Over and Under the Snow".  It is a great read if anyone would like to borrow my copy.  I didn't realize that there was such a thing until last year!  We will be learning more about the Subnivean Zone in both classes over the next few days.

The afternoon class had fun being real Starbucks barista's and delivery people last Friday as they helped deliver some happiness to the staff in the form of Starbucks coffees!  They were so excited to share real coffees (instead of the pretend ones we have been sharing).  We love sharing kindness with our friends in the school!  We also had fun doing our last gymnastics day with our Grade 5/6 buddies.  We are making so many wonderful connections in our school! 

A few reminders:

Fees for Scientist in School have been allocated and can now be paid through your CBE online account.  Thank you!

Thursday, January 30 - Skating Party at Park 96 (6-7 pm).  FAmilies are invited to attend. Please contact Leah Kirk (or myself) if you are interested in bringing chocolate milk (for hot chocolate) or some yummy treats!  Thank you!  There is a skating rink as well as a hockey rink for all of our budding hockey stars!  All students MUST wear a helmet.  If your child is interested in attenting but does not have skates, please let me know and I can see if I can round up a few extra pair.

Friday, January 31 - PD Day.  No school for students.

Looking ahead into February, it is a much shorter month with lots of days off and special events.  We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 12.  Children are encouraged to bring a Valentine's card for each child in the class signed with their name.  Printing names of classmates is a huge job, so I suggest that the children leave the "to" empty.  It makes the cards much easier to hand out too!  There are 22 children in the afternoon class and 17 in the morning. 

We will be making our Valentine's holders out of cereal boxes, so please save and send in one empty box for your child no later than February 6.  Extra boxes would be appreciated! 

We are also excited to be working again with Cathy Beveridge for 2 days in February (February 12 and 19th).  We are planning an exciting writing activity that will tie in our learning on Winter too! 

Have a great evening!

Ms. O.

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