Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Kindergarten Parents and students!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break!  I had a very relaxing and fun time in Maui with my extended family of 19!   It was both busy and relaxing at the same time. After 14 days together, it was nice to come back home and see my dogs (and my Kinders!).

Before I go on, I want to thank everyone so much for their generosity this Christmas season.  I typically take the time to go through my gifts one at a time and write individual thank you notes but my teenage daughters had other plans this year!  They thought they would help me unpack my gifts while I was running around getting ready for our vacation, which was very thoughtful however, it left me with a pile of beautiful, thoughtful, yummy gifts and another pile of beautiful, thoughtful cards.  So ...  in an attempt to not miss thanking anyone, I thought I would thank you ALL!  Thank you for the chocolates, socks, mugs, candles, hot chocolate, baked goods, Indigo gift cards, Starbucks and Timmies cards, Christmas ornaments, books, bath goodies, did I say chocolates?  Tea, plants ...  What I appreciate the most are the kind words written in the cards.  It was wonderful to receive so many of our art cards too!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

We had a busy last week of school before the break.  I hope that all of the snow globe ornaments made it home safe and sound and they found a place on your tree and in your hearts.  The children were so excited to give them to you!

We were thrilled to welcome Santa Claus into our school and our classroom on the last day of school.  The best part of my day was when the morning class rushed out of the school at the end of the day, looking for Santa and his sleigh from the hill outside our door.  All of a sudden, the students started to sing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" in unison.  It was one of those moments that you can't plan or recreate.

Our last day also saw us making pancakes and hot chocolate (thank you to everyone who sent in chocolate milk, whipped cream and cups).  We loved wearing our pjs too!

This morning we were excited to see our friends and talk about our break.  We learned that some of us lost teeth, others had their first "real" hockey game, many of us went skating and saw fireworks on New Year's Eve.  After our number talk about the number 7 and looking at what is going on in the month of January, we were excited about our first day of gymnastics.  Please see the note below regarding our gymnastics unit:

We have begun our gymnastic unit in our regularly scheduled physical education classes. This unit lasts for the month of January. To begin this unit, we review safety procedures with each class. Students in elementary school are not expected to change for physical education. When participating in gymnastics we ask students to be dressed and prepared to participate. We ask you to consider the following:
• Clothing that allows freedom of movement
• Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing.
• Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident.
• All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc…
• Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics (scrunchies) is recommended. We cannot supply elastics for students.
• Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish.
• Students continue to wear indoor running shoes (first preference). Students may also participate in bare feet or with gymnastic slippers.

Student Expectations: 
• No jewelry, loose clothing, skirts or dresses.
• Bare feet, running shoes or gymnastics slippers are acceptable.
• Tie back long hair. 
• Students work independently or in small groups QUIETLY as noise can distract others and may cause falls.
• Children do what they are comfortable doing. No showing off or daring is allowed.
• Pyramid building is no longer allowed by the Calgary Board of Education for K-6.
• Although some students have had private gymnastics training, there will be no aerial stunts such as dive rolls, aerial somersaults (flips), head springs or hand springs as these activities do not fit into the gymnastics curriculum. 

We had music with Mrs. Anderson and were excited to play the drums!  Just a reminder that the morning class has library tomorrow, so if you haven't already done so, please remember to bring in your library book!   We also started our conversation about the season of Winter talking about what we already know and what we wonder.  This helps guide my planning and our learning.  Discussing how it is winter in some parts of the world and summer in others, led us to looking at the map of the world and talking about Australia and the fires.  I told the students we would continue to discuss the fires over the next few days.  

This afternoon we worked in small groups with Mrs. Ferrari on some a motor/art activity.  We went to gym, had centers and went to the library.  We also chatted about our wonders about Winter and what causes the change in seasons.  We started our 2020 page in our visual journal and are excited to draw and write about what we want to do in the year.  

The weather is supposed to get very cold over the next few days and week.  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately, especially if they are on the bus.  For the morning children, if you don't see me (or anyone else) out on supervision, chances are it's a Blue day and students are expected to come directly inside (using any of the outside doors).  If the door isn't open, please knock!!!!  Someone is supposed to be at each door until 8:05.  After that time, please go directly to the front door.  Thank you!

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.   

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