Thursday, September 4

Hello parents and guardians!

Important Dates to Remember:

Friday, September 5:  Morning Kindergarten attends 8:00-11:45
       ***No afternoon class today

Monday, September 8:  Picture Day.  Wear your sunniest smile!

Friday, September 12:  Afternoon Kindergarten attends 8-11:45
   ***. No morning class today

Thursday, September18 and Friday, September 19:  Meet the teacher!  No school for Kindergarten
      students.  Booking info to come at a later date.

It is amazing how much the students have settled into the routines of our Kindergarten classroom this week!  From moving through the hallway like a herd of cats (or should I say kittens) to being able to walk quietly in a single file line, the growth they have shown is amazing to see!  I can't wait to see what this year brings ...

An envelope was sent home yesterday containing some forms that had to be read, signed and returned.  Please sent the following forms back as quickly as possible so that I can start adding photos to our blog and to make sure we are aware of any health and emotional issues.  The forms that need to be returned are:
1.  Media Consent (blue .. please read and sign BOTH sides)
2.  Medical Information (red)
3.  Parent Viewpoint (purple)

If you are interested in volunteering, even doing work at home, I welcome volunteers into our classroom.  To volunteer you must have a valid police security clearance (you can check with Ms, McLeod in the office to see if you have a valid clearance or not).  You also must fill out the Annual Volunteer Registration Form (gold) and return to the school before being allowed in the classroom or school as a volunteer.  The pink volunteer form should be filled out to indicate how you are interested in volunteering.  Thank you for reading, signing and returning the above forms asap.

One of the things I love about teaching Kindergarten is the students excitement about EVERYTHING!  Today I mentioned going out for a picnic and loved the excitement they showed.  We will often each our snack outside when the weather is nice, all sitting on a big blue tarp together comparing what our moms and dads packed us and chatting.  It really is a wonderful time to be together and learn about each other.

Both classes worked with our art specialist, Mrs. Ferrarri decorating brown paper lunch bags for the Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids organization.  We talked about how sad it is that some children have to come to school with an empty stomach and might not have a snack or a lunch.   Through the work of community groups and volunteers, Brown Bagging provides lunches for approximately 4,400 kids each school day. Lunches are prepared in our main kitchen, and in various other locations by community groups including retirees, parent groups and local businesses.  Students can be involved by decorating the lunch bags that lunches will be packed in which is what we did today.

The afternoon class had music with Mrs. Anderson which we loved!  The morning class will have their turn tomorrow.

We have had fun reading the stories "No, David!" and "David goes to school" after which we have sorted David's actions into "yes" actions and "no" actions.  I use books often to introduce or reinforce a topic.  It really grabs the students attention when they are presented with a topic in a story.  

We have enjoyed doing Gonoodle activities to give us a brain and body break when we have been sitting for awhile.  We have also been chatting about being mindful and some activities we can do when we are upset, sad, sick or just need some down time.  Ask your child if they can show you what "finger breathing" looks like!

Tomorrow the morning class will be attending from 8-11:45.  Students who ride the bus to school will be able to take the bus home with the rest of the school.  Please inform the office if your child is not to take the bus home at the end of the morning.  Afternoon students, you have the day off to relax!  Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday!

Morning friends, I will see you tomorrow!  We will have an exciting day with music and buddies with Mrs. Warrener's grade 5/6 class.  

Have a great night and a relaxing weekend!

Ms. O. 

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