Hello Kindergarten parents!

What a great day we had!  The students came in excited and prepared for the day with their indoor shoes and, most importantly, their snacks!  Even those with tears at the beginning of class settled in quite well and seemed to enjoy their day.  

The first few days are filled with learning new routines and expectations ... I try not to throw too much at the students at once but these are the things we talked about ...

- sitting criss-cross on the carpet
- lining up single file
- moving quietly in the hallway
- personal space 
- putting our hands up when we have something to say
- washing our hands before we eat and after the washroom

Both classes went to the gym and played a listening game where we were driving in our own hula hoops.  It is a great game to reinforce listening skills as well as introduce the students to working safely in the gym.  Ask your child if he/she can tell you what actions we did!  

We read the story "The School Book" by Todd Parr after which we discussed what a self-portrait is and what it means to add color and detail to our drawings.  The morning class completed their self-portrait however the afternoon class enjoyed their very first assembly with the rest of the school.  We will complete our self-portraits tomorrow!

Center time is always a big hit and the students were excited to play in the water table, make coffee at the kitchen center and play with the tub toys (lego, marbleworks, magformers etc).  We had snack prior to centers so that when the students are done eating, they can go right to a familiar activity without having to sit around and wait for their peers.  

We ended our day making some Magic Playdoh.  We started off with white playdoh and were amazed that, when we squeezed and kneaded the dough, it turned a color!  It must mean we are going to have a great year in Kindergarten!  

I am thrilled to be back teaching Kindergarten and am looking forward to getting to know you and your child.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns.  I promise to love your children as they are my own and look forward to engaging in this learning adventure with them!

Have a wonderful evening!

Ms. O.

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