Happy Fri-yay!

Happy Friday everyone!  Here is what we have been working on/talking about over the past few days ...

1.  Ask your child to tell you about the "naughty friends" we learned about yesterday, Thursday!  The naughty friends are the T and the H.  When they are together, they stick out their tongue and make a /th/ sound.  See if your child can show you what our face looks like and what our mouth is doing when we make this sound (tongue in between teeth, air coming out of our mouth etc.)

2.  The afternoon class was very excited to meet their grade 5/6 buddies today!  We are planning on having buddy time every Friday, so every 2nd Friday for each class.

3.  Thank you to those who have sent in their "word" for their child.  Please see Wednesday's blog if you missed the information about the one word project.  Please email me your child's word before Monday.

4.  We enjoyed the warm weather yesterday by having our snack outside as a picnic.  We had some playtime on the playground too!  The morning class was very excited to see some of their friends and siblings on the playground during recess time!

5.  Yesterday we voted on a new logo for the school.  Ask your child which logo he/she picked as their favorite ...

6.  We were excited to write in our journals and are practicing drawing detailed pictures with lots of color!

7.  Some of us are practicing learning how to print our name.  Your support at home in helping your child learn to print the letters in their name would be appreciated!!!!

Next week is a short week for Kindergarten with Thursday and Friday being no school for students because of conferences.  If you haven't already done so, please sign up to come in and see me to chat more about your child.  I do have some information to share about how your child is adjusting to the routines and expectations of our Kindergarten classroom, however this is a time more for you to share about your child.  If you haven't returned the forms that were sent home at the beginning of the year, this would be a great time to bring them in or sign a new set if you have misplaced them.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. O.

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